New Dates for the Annual KnowNow Conference

We are super keen to bring the compliance and player protection community together to discuss the plethora of crucial topics that have arisen over the past 18 months since we ran our last live event in London back in January 2020. It is so important that we continue our crucial work of  coming together as an industry to help make gambling safer.

Conference venues were allowed to open on the 17th May and we were gearing up to run the event at the end of June. However the rise of the Delta variant in the UK, travel restrictions and the pushing back of “freedom day” to 19th July were all working against us. We have therefore taken the decision to delay the event until after the summer. The new dates for your diary are 7th September for Social Responsibility for Gambling Operators and 8th September for Keeping Crime Out of Gambling.

4th Annual KnowNow Limited conference

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Good to be back … The 4th Annual KnowNow Conference.

We’re counting down the days until our 4th Annual Conference at KnowNow HQ. So time to hand over to our MD Paula Murphy…

Here in the UK at least, we are fortunate that our world is cautiously opening up and getting back to business. I loved seeing LinkedIn posts from our land based colleagues as venues are opening their doors once again.

At KnowNow we’re prepared and good to go with an agenda I’ve been toiling away on for our fourth annual conference. This will now take place at Etc venues Chancery Lane on the 7th and 8th September. It will be our first opportunity to bring the compliance and player protection community back together in a real world environment since we ran our last conference way back in January 2020.

Paula Murphy, MD, KnowNow Limited


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Protecting your business and your customers from harm: Your questions answered about our online training:

Recently KnowNow partnered with RightWay Compliance and Seventh Wave Training to bring you an interactive online training course. We delivered this twice to delegates over a five week period.

This is more than just a digital training course. We think of it as a training / consultancy hybrid. You’ll get access to our experts over a 5 week period and they build an understanding of your specific needs. We’ll tailor our advise and the content we cover to help you to develop, shape and sense check your strategy. Feedback from the last set of delegates was fantastic:

“I really enjoyed the course and it was nice to have the two different tracks. For me it was really helpful, I learned a lot and it was great that it was interactive. I think that’s the best way to pick up the information.”


Nicole Bernaerts, Regulatory Compliance Officer, L&L Europe Ltd

There has been a fair few changes and considerations during the International pandemic that mean those working in Compliance and Player Protection might need to bring in new ways of working and be aware of different regulatory guidelines.

This online training course is specifically designed to give you all of the knowledge and information you need to implement and maintain best practice in the new normal and beyond. Contact us today to discuss your compliance and player protection training requirements.

Protecting your business and your customers from harm.

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Player Protection conference – Anyone up for stopping the witch hunt and working together instead?

We recently put our next digital conference, the Player Protection Forum, to market. Running it this way would not be our first choice but considering the global situation it’s the only way we can currently guarantee delivering the content. Anyone who has held conferences will be aware that digital events still incur costs for us as a business. So to avoid getting into a twitter debate we’ll hand over to our MD Paula Murphy to address some of the misconceptions about what we do and our business…

Paula Murphy KnowNow Conferences

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