Sponsorship Opportunities at KnowNow Events
Put your brand in front of legal, compliance, marketing, and other leading industry experts with our range of sponsorship opportunities.
Our conferences offer you the ideal opportunity to increase the visibility of your brand in the run up to the event, on the day and after.
Sponsoring a KnowNow event will enable you to:
Raise your company profile as a leading provider in front of an audience full of key stakeholders helping to drive forwards player protection, social responsibility, AML and ethical practice in the gambling industry.
Meet key stakeholders and build partnerships – Heightened visibility means attendees will be keen to speak to you and hear about your work, making connections with potential clients and business partners a far easier process.
Leverage lead generation – Through access to an engaged audience who have all invested time and money to attend.
Sponsorship Packages.
Headline event sponsorship – £5,697 + VAT.
In the run up to the event:
Your logo on all conference promotions as a sponsor – marketing emails / event banner.
Mention as sponsor in social media posts about the event
Solus email sent to the entire KnowNow database on your behalf
Blog on the KnowNow website introducing you as a sponsor.
On the day:
Stand alone session at the event or involvement on panel discussion.
Branding and full page advert in the event brochure.
Tabletop display in the conference networking room.
Up to four delegate passes for both days.
After the event:
Second promotional blog post on the insight section of knownowltd.com to be shared across all of our social media channels
Email sent by KnowNow on your behalf to all of our delegates
Tabletop Display Sponsorship – £2,697 + VAT
- Your logo on all conference promotions as a sponsor – marketing emails / event banner.
- Blog on the KnowNow website introducing you as a sponsor.
- Mention as sponsor in social media posts about the event.
- Involvement on a panel discussion at the event.
- Tabletop display in the conference networking room.
- 2 delegate event passes.
New! Sponsor a roundtable discussion – £1,507 + VAT
What better way to round off the day and summarise selected topics than a round table discussion? Choose your subject, bring your team along and moderate a table or two. With your promotional literature on the table this is a great and cost effective networking opportunity.
Why not combine this with your headline, tabletop or leaflet package to increase your branding at the event?
- Your logo on all conference promotions as a sponsor – marketing emails / event banner.
- Blog on the KnowNow website introducing you as a sponsor.
- Mention as sponsor in social media posts about the event.
- Moderation of selected round table discussion at the event.
- 2 delegate event passes.
Promotional flyers at the event £1,597 + VAT.
- Your logo on all conference promotions as a sponsor – marketing emails / event banner.
- Involvement on a panel discussion at the event.
- Promotional materials to be provided by you handed out to all delegates on the day.
- 1 delegate event pass.
Drinks reception sponsorship.
In the run up to the event:
Logo on the event page at knownowltd.com
100 word sponsor profile on the event page at knownowltd.com
Logo on all email marketing campaigns for the event
Promotional blog post on the insight section of knownowltd.com to be shared across all of our social media channels
On the day:
Table top stand at the event
Branding on the event brochure
Branding as drinks reception sponsor
3 delegate event passes
After the event:
Second promotional blog post on the insight section of knownowltd.com to be shared across all of our social media channels
Email sent by KnowNow on your behalf to all of our delegates
Email: matthew.holley@knownowltd.com for a quote
Contact the KnowNow team to find out more about these packages or other bespoke sponsorship options. In addition we are happy to tailor packages to meet all needs and budgets.
Matthew Holley.
Sales and Marketing Director.
+44 (0)7734215166