What can be expected from the Masterclass: Player Tracking and Reducing Gambling Related Harm?
Join us in London on the 25th June for our Masterclass: Player Tracking and Reducing Gambling Related Harm. This Exclusive Masterclass will be presented by leading experts in this field, Dr. Mark Griffiths and Dr. Michael Auer. They’ll be joined by Helena Berg, Responsible Gaming Manager at ComeOn!
Player Tracking and Reducing Gambling Related Harm.
Dr. Mark Griffiths and Dr. Michael Auer have been collaborating in the area of player tracking since 2009.
Together they have published several seminal studies. Many of which were the first ones to shed light on certain topics. In this Masterclass they will review the current academic perception and provide insights into actual real-world data and analytical approaches.
Responsible Gambling experts, regulators and researchers can equally benefit from the Masterclass. It will cover theoretical aspects as well as analytical aspects such as the development of A.I. models.
Big Data and Artificial Intelligence.
The Masterclass will start with an introduction into Big Data and Artificial Intelligence and why it is relevant for player protection, especially in online gambling and identified land-based gambling. Dr. Michael Auer will draw similarities with other areas such as health care and marketing.
Another topic is crucial psychological concepts like motivational interviewing, the parallel process model or theory of planned behaviour. The relevance of these models for harm reduction will be discussed.
The Masterclass will continue with a detailed overview of research using real-world data. You will hear about the effectiveness of voluntary limit setting, mandatory spending limits, effects of personalized feedback, in-session pop-ups and mandatory play breaks.
Helena Berg.
Helena Berg will talk about the Responsible Gaming Process at ComeOn! With customers from all over Europe she has extensive experience with different cultural aspects. She will talk about how they identify at risk players, how player communication is automated and how they keeps track of RG actions.
Applied data science.
The Masterclass will also provide a glimpse into applied data science. Dr. Michael Auer, who has a Masters degree in statistics, will use the open source Software R to build a predictive model using real-world data together with the participants. He will talk about the necessary data explaining the data preparation process in detail. He will also visualize correlations and patterns and extract important statistical metrics. Furthermore he will discuss different A.I. algorithms like Gradient Boost Machine, Random Forest or XgBoost and explain the model selection process. The code will be shared with the participants.
Join us in London on the 25th June.
Book your tickets today to see how problematic gambling can be detected from player data. You’ll get an insight into how player data should be prepared, what algorithms can be used, customer interactions that are successful and how actions can be documented.
Further reading from the presenters.
The effect of loss-limit reminders on gambling behavior: A real-world study of Norwegian gamblers.
Read here.
Cognitive Dissonance, Personalized Feedback, and Online Gambling Behavior: An Exploratory Study Using
Objective Tracking Data and Subjective Self-Report.
Read here.
Personalized Behavioral Feedback for Online Gamblers: A Real World Empirical Study.
Read here.