Real life impact of marketing practices
We’ve got a fantastic agenda for our next conference; Responsible Marketing for Gambling Operators.
Now it’s time to start announcing speakers and we’re delighted to welcome Owen Baily to speak about the Real life impact of marketing practices.
About Owen Baily
Owen is an aspiring speaker, writer and advocate on a range of gambling related matters, particularly those that concern the estimated 430,000 people with gambling problems in the UK and the 2 million deemed ‘at risk’ of developing a problem.
Owen is no stranger to gambling problems himself. Following a traumatic and unsettled upbringing Owen found comfort and solace in gambling on Fruit Machines. Unbeknown to him then, the very foundations of a deeply irrational, pathological and problematic relationship with gambling was being laid.
Owen has extensive knowledge, insight and personal experience of engaging with a variety of services over the past 15 years in a bid to overcome his gambling problems. Above all, the National Problem Gambling Clinic, which is currently the only NHS dedicated gambling clinic in the UK.
Owen once shared his experiences of Gambling Related Harm with Dr Henrietta Bowden Jones; the founder of the NHS National Problem Gambling Clinic. The video is available to view through the Royal College of Psychiatrists website. To date it has been viewed around 50,000 times and has been reported to have helped many people with a gambling problem reach out for help.
Owens’ experience extends beyond that of ‘Gambling Related Harm and Gambling Treatment. In addition he regularly shares his experience with the media, having featured in newspapers and magazines. Furthermore he has spoken on radio and TV.
Owen is keen to understand every angle of the gambling narrative and regularly attends Gambling Conferences.
View the full conference agenda here.
Tickets are now available for Responsible Marketing for Gambling Operators.