The All-Index, Why Data and Benchmarking is Crucial for Progress
We are delighted to welcome the All-in Diversity Project as a conference partner for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Gambling Industry. To give you an insight into their mission and the All-Index we hand over to co-founder Kelly Kehn:
First, let me say how inspired we are at All-in Diversity Project to read how much of our industry has taken an interest in Diversity & Inclusion in recent weeks.
“ It’s an important topic and the stories emerging both in the mass media and within our sector are key pieces of the puzzle. The stories we are hearing, and their consequent responses on social media, stir emotions and wake people up to the need for change. However, when it comes to taking action, data and benchmarking will be the tools that drive the industry forward.
The All-in Diversity Project is an industry-driven initiative to benchmark diversity, equality and inclusion for the global betting and gaming sector. We set up the project because the global industry was in need of a central resource for data pertaining to diversity and inclusion. We know there is a need for change but unless we have data, we are approaching the problem blindly. This is uncharted territory. There is no magic formula on how we get to workplace equality. It simply hasn’t been done yet.
There are a few things we do know, luckily.
We know that change must come from the industry itself. We are the ones responsible for our image, our products and recruiting and retaining the best talent. Improving things from the inside — making our industry more diverse and inclusive — will manifest in what the outside world sees.
We know that diversity cannot be an isolated initiative, it must be part of the company culture. In that, it must be embraced by the company’s leaders and not an issue isolated to HR or a women’s group. We need to work together and create a level of transparency in order to shift the current paradigm.
We know that we need to measure progress. Successful business strategies are grounded in data and benchmarking. Companies need to know if they are getting return on investment. We will never know how we are progressing if we can’t measure it.
The All-Index, our lead initiative, is a global industry standard index measuring progress for diversity and inclusion. It provides a report on annual progress and makes recommendations in various areas such as corporate governance, internal policies, recruitment practices, employment, unconscious bias and marketing. Companies will be graded on a simple scale (1-100) and the results will be published annually.
The report will be totally anonymised and no operator names or brands will be included. Participating Operators will receive their personal score/report privately after publication. We believe that each operator will implement change in their own way. This is the best tool to support that change.
Our first report will be published in Q2 2018.
Without this data, we run the risk of remaining static (or worse, being side swiped) due to our blind spots. We need operators from around the world participating in the survey in order to paint the most accurate picture possible. The All-Index will create the transparency and measurability we as an industry need to progress towards workplace equality and in turn, better recruitment, better products and an overall better industry image. “
Get more information and participate here.