Social Responsibility for Gambling Operators and Keeping Crime Out of Gambling 2024

Event Phone: +44 (0) 7734 215166

Details Price Qty
Social Responsibility - Early Bird Ticket £597.00 (GBP)*  
Keeping Crime Out of Gambling - Early Bird Ticket £597.00 (GBP)*  
Two Day - Early Bird Conference Pass £997.00 (GBP)*   Expired
Social Responsibility - Full Price Ticket £797.00 (GBP)*   Goes On Sale
August 1, 2024
Keeping Crime Out of Gambling - Full Price Ticket £797.00 (GBP)*   Goes On Sale
August 1, 2024
Two Day - Full Price Conference Pass £1,397.00 (GBP)*   Goes On Sale
August 1, 2024

* price does not include VAT

Online event registration and ticketing powered by Event Espresso

  • Social Responsibility for Gambling Operators and Keeping Crime out of Gambling 2024
    September 18, 2024 - September 19, 2024
    9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Now in its 7th year, the annual KnowNow Conference brings together key stakeholders from across the compliance and player protection community in the Gambling Industry.

A look back at how the topics have progressed since the first event in 2018 demonstrates how far the industry has evolved when it comes to player protection. In this fast paced and crucial area there are always developments, innovations and ultimately more to do.

With the publication of the long awaited Gambling White Paper bringing new legislation and with regulators placing an emphasis on enforcement and penalties, it has never been more important to stay ahead of the game when it comes to protecting our customers. 

Throughout these crucial two days we will take you on a journey designed to; 

  • Consolidate our understanding of problem gambling and at risk customers
  • Keep up to date with legislation, regulation and what it actually means in practice
  • Explore solutions and how they can help achieve our player protection and compliance goals
  • Collaborate with industry experts and stakeholders from in and around the industry to achieve the shared goal of reducing gambling related harm

Join us in London and be part of the conversation that helps the industry continue to evolve. 

Who should attend:

  • Senior management at gambling operators
  • Heads of compliance at gambling operators
  • Heads of Player Protection, Safer Gambling or Social Responsibility at gambling operators
  • In-house lawyers legal professionals at gambling operators 
  • Anybody involved in player support and treatment services
  • Compliance professionals at B2B suppliers
  • Solution providers and regtech professionals
  • Consultants working with the gambling industry
  • Regulators 

Contact Matthew Holley for more information:



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