Responsible Marketing for Gambling Operators 2019

Event Phone: + 44 7734 215166
- November 13, 2019
9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Now in its second year, this conference is designed to help give gambling operators the tools you need to understand the changing regulatory landscape around promotions, avoid costly regulatory action and develop marketing strategies that will enable you to attract new players in a responsible way.
There is a lot of pressure on operators to look at the way they attract and retain players whilst upholding the key objectives of the 2005 Gambling act.
13 months on from the Gambling Commission’s Ian Angus opening the event by warning operators that a storm is coming, we’ll look back at what has actually happened, how changes might have impacted harm reduction and forward to what we can expect in the future.
And what a year it has been. We have seen a voluntary whistle to whistle ban on advertising which comes into effect in August, numerous studies into the effects of marketing and advertising, changes to the LCCP and the Gambling Commission identifying marketing as a key area for consideration in their National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harms.
Negative media coverage of the industry continues to drive public opinion and customers are more likely than ever to vote with their feet if they feel operators are treating them unfairly or misleading them with sharp promotions or marketing practices.
This full day will bring stakeholders together from across the industry, lift the lid on the issues and provide insight into new and innovative ways to attract a changing audience.
Who should attend
- Senior management at gambling operators
- Marketing professionals
- Compliance and player protection professionals at gambling operators
- In-house lawyers at gambling operators
- Public Relations professionals within gambling operators
- Consultants working with the gambling industry
- Regulators
Time slots are provisional and exact timings may be subject to change.
09:30 Opening remarks from the chair
Joe Ewens, Managing Editor, GamblingCompliance
09:40 Regulatory review – A year on from the storm warning
Ian Angus, Programme Director, Consumer Protection & Empowerment, UK Gambling Commission
10:20 A view from the Advertising Standards Authority and Committee of Advertising Practice
Andrew Taylor, Regulatory Policy Executive, Committee of Advertising Practice
10:50 Networking coffee break
11:25 Ipsos MORI on the GambleAware research
Steve Ginnis, Research Director, Ipsos MORI
12:00 Fireside Chat – How much impact do responsible gambling messages and safer gambling campaigns actually have?
Moderator: Hannah Ganage Stewart
Tony Parente, Expert through lived experience
Adrian Sladdin, Director, Seventh Wave Training
12:45 Networking lunch break
14:00 Real life impact of marketing practices
Rob Mabbett, Gambling Therapy Manager, Gordon Moody Association
14:35 Tracking affiliate activity through self service monitoring systems
Ian Sims, Founder, Rightlander
15:10 Networking coffee break
15:35 Panel – Social media marketing, influencers and responsible marketing. What should operators be considering in this area and how do you safeguard against targeting vulnerable people?
Moderator: Harrison Sayers, Reporter, GamblingCompliance
Shenaly Amin Davdra, Senior Digital Marketing Growth Specialist
Pete Wallis, Operations Manager, Epic Risk Management
Matt Wilson, Founder / CEO, Ball Street Network
16:35 Closing remarks and close of conference
Venue: Prospero House
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Venue: Prospero House
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241 Borough High Street, London, SE1 1GA, United Kingdom