Player Protection Workshop – Remote & Retail Operators

Event Phone: + 44 7734 215166
- May 23, 2019
9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Safer gambling and Player Protection for Remote gambling operators and Betting shops is at the forefront of industry scrutiny.
Remote operators have been on the receiving end of hefty enforcement action in the recent past and is not showing any signs of letting up. A particular focus of enforcement action has been on player protection, specifically Customer Interactions. Many operators are failing to conduct interactions and the ones that are have not been reaching the regulators expectations in this area.
AMLGS specialises in training remote operators. With the use of their clinical specialists and industry experts they have been working with operators and regulators to improve the knowledge and skillset for the sector on all aspects of Player Protection. AMLGS have trained many operators on their player protection processes, specifically, customer interactions and how the regulator expects them to look.
Operators that have undertaken and utilised this effective training have received praise and recognition for their industry leading processes.
Every remote operator should be striving towards having in place, the best player protection processes and interactions, creating a safer gambling environment for their customers.
Player Protection and understanding the psychology that lies behind problem gambling is challenging. We have seen in the recent past that the regulator has a perception that operators could be doing more to protect their players. These training workshops are designed to give operators the skills and knowledge to implement procedures that exceed regulatory requirements.
This exclusive training event will deliver key learning outcomes and on the day you can expect:
- Greater understanding of problem gambling psychology
- How to identify the early signs (Red flags)
- The importance of Pre-Crisis Intervention (PCI)
- How to undertake customer interactions
- Player Protection stages and treatment
We want every remote operator to continue their fantastic work and capitalise on this opportunity to gain a better understanding of how to better protect your customers. Join us on 23rd May for the first of many interactive training events.
Who should attend
Remote Operators, including Retail Betting Shops
- Senior management at Remote gambling operators
- Heads of compliance at Remote gambling operators
- Heads of Player Protection or Social Responsibility at Remote gambling operators
- VIP Managers at Remote gambling operators
- Social Responsibility team members at Remote gambling operators
- Compliance team members at Remote gambling operators
09:00 Registration and refreshments
09:30 Opening remarks from AMLGS director Ray Wilson
09:45 Expectations for Player Protection – Remote Gambling Association
Wes Himes, Chief Executive, RGA
10:00 Understanding the Psychology
11:00 Networking coffee break
11:20 Pre-Crisis Intervention (PCI) – Workshop
- The first signs
- Red flags
- Multi-stage process
- Early intervention – what this actually means
- How a successful Player Protection Process works
13:20 Networking lunch break
14:20 Customer interactions – Workshop
- The introduction
- The use of letters, e-mails and texts
- The interaction – step by step
- The outcomes
- Next stages
16:30 Closing remarks and close of workshop
Venue: Prospero House
Venue Website:
Venue: Prospero House
Venue Website:
241 Borough High Street, London, SE1 1GA, United Kingdom